
What is AWS Organizations?

Imagine you have multiple AWS accounts scattered around like buckets. AWS Organizations helps you bring them all together under one roof, like an organisation that you create. This way, you can manage everything in one place, making it easier to keep track of your budget, security, and follow the rules and regulations. You can even create new accounts within your organisation or invite existing ones to join.

AWS Control Tower Access Portal

AWS Control Tower Access Portal

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Organizations is an account management service that makes it possible to consolidate multiple AWS accounts into an AWS organisation that you create and centrally manage.

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Using features in Organizations, you can create a landing zone that is managed at scale to govern your AWS accounts.

The AWS account is the most important and fundamental part of accessing your AWS services. If you have used AWS, you might have used an account to test, develop, or launch workloads. However, to meet your business, governance, or security requirements, using a single AWS account for all of your cloud needs will become a complicated or impossible task.

Sticking with a single AWS account for everything might seem like a simple solution, but it can lead to future headaches. Let's explore why using multiple accounts is often the preferred approach.

A single account has additional risks and added complexity when you start to grow your cloud operations. There are many reasons to move away from a single account and move toward a multi-account environment. Before moving to a multi-account architecture, here are some important considerations.

Organise accounts

Group workloads in separate AWS accounts based off of different teams or business purposes. organising accounts this way creates alignment, such as user access, security requirements, and processes.


Security and compliance